The Analog Devices EZ-KIT Lite is a low-cost, flexible and easy-to-use Digital Signal Processing (DSP) tool designed for the first-time evaluater. Also the electronics hobbyist and ham-radio opperator can use it for experiments in the field of sophisticated audiofilters, or modems for CW, RTTY, AMTOR, etc. The EZ-KIT Lite is a stand-alone printed-circuitboard with a 33 MIPs ADSP-2181 digital signal processor and an AD1847 CD-quality stereo audio codec with programmable sampling rates up to 48 kHz.
The system comes with its own assembler, debugger, simulator and several example programs, all for MS-DOS. The interface is via the host's serial port. DSP code developed on the PC can be downloaded to the board and executed with the real-life signals. All device signals are brought out to headers positioned on the board so that daughter boards can be built and easily interfaced.
The EZ-KIT Lite can be connected to the serial or printer port of the Macintosh. You can use the standard apple serial cable and a D25 - D9 converter. If you like to make a cable yourself, here are the connections: